Ear Pain After a Car Accident

October 9, 2020

According to Georgia State University’s HyperPhysics research project, even a minor accident can generate tremendous forces. A 160-pound person stopping suddenly from a speed of 30 mph experiences force upon their body equivalent to 2.4 tons. Without a seatbelt, that force could be as high as 12 tons.

This impact force can cause unexpected symptoms. Accident victims often experience severe injuries to their head or neck. Some of the most frequent unexpected side effects can include nagging jaw pain, difficulty chewing, ringing in the ears, difficulty hearing, or pain located around their inner ear.

If you have been injured in a car accident, contact a Doylestown accident lawyer for help.

About Tinnitus

Tinnitus has been defined as “the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds.” Sometimes, individuals experience ringing in the ears after a car accident because of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Whiplash can result in tinnitus after a car accident. Whiplash is a neck strain or injury that occurs as a result of the rapid movement of the head during a collision, resulting in nerve and ligament damage. Sometimes, these whiplash injuries result in tinnitus. It is important to seek medical attention if experiencing ringing in the ears after a car accident involving a whiplash injury.

The deployment of an airbag after a car accident may also result in tinnitus. Upon impact, airbags immediately deploy, causing a very loud noise. This loud noise can injure the ear and result in tinnitus. Furthermore, the sound of an airbag deploying can be so loud that it causes bleeding in the ear canal. Additionally, the physical impact of the head hitting an airbag during an accident can cause ringing in the ears.

About TMJ Disorders

From a broader standpoint, when the muscles or ligaments around your jaw are damaged, doctors call this a “temporomandibular” or “TMJ” disorder, named after the specific joint that connects your jaw to the rest of your skull.

Symptoms of a TMJ disorder can include:

  • Aching pain in or around your ear area.
  • Dull or throbbing facial pain.
  • Difficulty or pain when chewing.
  • Severe pain around the site of your TMJ joint.
  • Achiness, pain, or tenderness around your jaw.
  • The feeling that your jaw is “locked” making it difficult to move, open, or close your mouth.
  • Headaches, especially after waking up from rest.

Contact a Doylestown Accident Lawyer at Drake, Hileman & Davis for More Information

The physical forces surrounding a car accident, even at moderate speeds, can cause many types of trauma. Let a Doylestown accident lawyer at Drake, Hileman & Davis help you assess your injuries and assist you with any legal claims you may have.

Contact us for further information and to schedule your free consultation.