What Causes Paralysis?

April 9, 2021

Paralysis is the loss or impairment of voluntary movement in a body part, most often caused by a problem somewhere along the chain of nerve cells that deliver the signals from your brain to the body part muscles that tells them to move.

If you or a loved one have suffered a paralyzing injury due to someone else’s negligence or intentional wrongful act, let an Easton personal injury lawyer at Drake, Hileman & Davis help.

Types of Paralysis

There are many types of paralysis, all with varying levels of seriousness, including:

  • Complete Paralysis. This type of paralysis is when you can’t move or control your paralyzed muscles in any way and also may not be able to feel anything in those muscles.
  • Partial or Incomplete Paralysis. This type of paralysis is when you have some feeling in your paralyzed muscles and possibly some control over these muscles. 
  • Permanent. This type of paralysis is when muscle control never comes back.
  • Temporary. This type of paralysis is when some or all muscle control returns.
  • Localized Paralysis. This type of paralysis affects only one specific area of your body, such as your vocal cords, hands, feet, or face.
  • Generalized Paralysis. This type of paralysis is more widespread and usually depends on where your brain or spinal cord injury is located.

Generalized paralysis can be further categorized by how much of the body is paralyzed:

  • Monoplegia only affects one limb, for example, an arm or a leg.
  • Hemiplegia affects only one side of the body, for example, the right arm and right leg.
  • Diplegia affects the same area on both sides of the body, such as both arms or legs.
  • Paraplegia affects both legs and may also affect parts of the trunk.
  • Quadriplegia affects both arms and both legs and may also affect the entire body from the neck down. Other organs, such as the lungs and heart, may also be affected.

Causes of Paralysis

Although there are diseases that can cause paralysis, such as demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis, it is most often caused by serious bodily trauma resulting from serious accidents. Common types of accidents that cause paralysis include:

Let an Easton Personal Injury Lawyer Help With Your Recovery 

If you have suffered paralysis or any other type of injury or serious injury in Pennsylvania, contact an Easton personal injury lawyer at Drake, Hileman & Davis for your free consultation. We understand the serious consequences of injuries like paralysis and are committed to obtaining all of the financial compensation you’re entitled to. We’ll handle your claim so that you can focus on your recovery.